Su búsqueda retornó 43 resultados.

The effects of information system user expectations on their performance and perceptions por En: MIS Quarterly (vol. 17, nro. 4, Dec. 1993), p. 493-516S.T.:H004.414 MAN PP2423
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Determinants of commitment to information systems development: a longitudinal investigation por En: MIS Quarterly (vol. 20, nro. 1, Mar. 1996), p. 23-54S.T.:H004.414 MAN PP2425
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Strategic and organizational adaptation in CIM systems development por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 181-189S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Ethnography and information systems development: Ethnography of, for and within is development por En: Information and software technology (vol. 39, nro. 8, Ago. 1997), p. 531-540S.T.:H004.41 INF PP2681
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

XML and COM for Eiffel: Extending the power of modern programming por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 1, Mar-Apr. 2000), p. 32-35S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3421
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Testing--is it a phase, an activity, or a lifestyle? por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 1, Mar-Apr. 2000), p. 36-39S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3421
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Twirl them particles por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 2, May. 2000), p. 38-43S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3422
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Refining the use-case model--interfaces, data flows, GUIs, traceability, and interaction por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 2, May. 2000), p. 44-47S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3422
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Object level fault tolerance for CORBA-based distributed computing por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 3, Jun. 2000), p. 5-7S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3423
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Multiagent models for designing object-oriented distributed systems por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 3, Jun. 2000), p. 8-12S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3423
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Process program development based on UML and action cases--Part 2: The method por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 3, Jun. 2000), p. 18-26S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3423
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Agents: Between order and chaos por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 3, Jun. 2000), p. 34-35, 39S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3423
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Building EAI adapters for legacy systems por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 4, Jul-Aug. 2000), p. 2-5S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3424
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

An object-oriented methodology for information systems development and business process reengineering por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 4, Jul-Aug. 2000), p. 23-34S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3424
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Developing a superset language of smalltalk for modeling mechanical systems por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 5, Sep. 2000), p. 12-17, 43S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3425
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Incremental construction of dynamic models for object-oriented software systems por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 5, Sep. 2000), p. 18-27S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3425
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Embedded Web servers: Status and issues por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 5, Sep. 2000), p. 44-47, 54S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3425
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Performance: Myths, measurements, and morals, part 9: optimizations and anomalies por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 5, Sep. 2000), p. 51-53S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3425
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Building generic data interface components through a data object generalization pattern por En: JOOP : the journal of object-oriented programming (vol. 13, nro. 6, Oct. 2000), p. 6-10S.T.:H004.415 JOU PP3426
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.
