Su búsqueda retornó 37 resultados.

Conceptual design of a shop floor control information system por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 4-16S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Object-oriented design of information integration in sheet metal manufacturing por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 29-50S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

The 3DOM object model for the design of manufacturing systems por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 51-60S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

A deductive object-oriented approach to CIM integration por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 61-73S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Object-oriented modelling for CAPP open architecture por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 74-82S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

A methodology management approach to computerized process planning por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 83-91S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Process planning knowledge representation using an object-oriented data model por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 92-104S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

A hybrid expert-neural-based function model for CAPP por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 105-116S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

CCE: the CIME computing environment por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 117-125S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

A software engineering method for the design of discrete manufacturing cell control por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 126-141S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Strategic and organizational adaptation in CIM systems development por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 181-189S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

What role for humans in computer integrated manufacturing? por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 190-198S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

A framework for enterprise-wide integration Industry por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 212-220S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

Operator control activities in flexible manufacturing systems por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 221-231S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.

The design architecture and implementation of an integrated manufacturing system por En: International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (vol. 10, nro. 1-4, Jan-Aug. 1997), p. 232-244S.T.:H004 INT PP2646
Disponibilidad: No hay ítems disponibles.
