Ciencias de la tierra: una introducción a la geología física : GEODe: Earth
- 8va. [i.e. en inglés, 1ra. en español]
- Madrid: Pearson, 2004
- 1 CD-ROM, 5 1/4 pl 644 MB
Acompaña al texto N°I 10467
The GEODe: Earth application program (GEODeEarth.exe). The ReadMe.txt file
Operating System: Windows 98, ME, 2000, NT version 4 or later, XP Processor: In addition to the processor required by your OS, this application requires at least a Pentium II 200 MHz processor. RAM: In addition to the RAM required by your OS, this application requires at least an additional 32 Meg RAM. Required hardware: CD drive, speakers, and a printer is required to print student scores. Monitor resolution: 800 x 600 pixels; millions of colors Required third-party software: QuickTime(TM) (version 5.0.2 or later) A newer version of QuickTime may be available from the QuickTime website: