McCormac, Jack C.

Diseño de estructuras de acero método LRFD - 2da. - México: Alfaomega, 2002 - 1 diskette, 3 1/2 pl 1,08 MB

Acompaña al texto, nº inv. 7662, 10460

Software DESHLP

This software has been tested on Intel 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, and Pentium based microcomputers with Hercules, EGA and VGA graphics capability. Although this is a DOS program, it can be run from a DOS window in Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or later. A mouse is not required but it does make operating the software much easier. INSTEP can be executed either from a hard disk or from a floppy disk, but a hard disk is recommended. Printers that can be used are the HP LaserJet and DeskJet printers, the IBM X24 ProPrinter, the NEC PC-PR103A printer, or printers that can emulate these protocols.



(0.034.4)624.014.2 M137