TY - BOOK AU - Lick,Wilbert TI - Sediment and contaminant transport in surface waters / SN - 9781420059878 PY - 2009/// CY - Boca Raton : PB - CRC, N1 - CONTENIDO Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Examples of Contaminated Sediment Sites 2 Hudson River 2 Lower Fox River 4 Passaic River/Newark Bay 6 Palos Verdes Shelf 7 Modeling, Parameterization, and Non-Unique Solutions 9 Modeling 9 Parameterization and Non-Unique Solutions 10 The Importance of Big Events 12 Chapter 2. General Properties of Sediments 21 Particle Sizes 21 Classification of Sizes 21 Measurements of Particle Size 23 Size Distributions 23 Variations in Size of Natural Sediments throughout a System 26 Settling Speeds 30 Mineralogy 33 Flocculation of Suspended Sediments 35 Bulk Densities of Bottom Sediments 37 Measurements of Bulk Density 39 Variations in Bulk Density 41 Chapter 3. Sediment Erosion 45 Devices for Measuring Sediment Resuspension/Erosion 46 Annular Flumes 46 The Shaker 50 Sedflume 51 A Comparison of Devices 54 Results of Field Measurements 56 Detroit River 57 Kalamazoo River 60 Effects of Bulk Properties on Erosion Rates 67 Bulk Density 68 Particle Size 70 Mineralogy 72 Organic Content 75 Salinity 76 Gas 77 Comparison of Erosion Rates 79 Benthic Organisms and Bacteria 80 Initiation of Motion and a Critical Shear Stress for Erosion 81 Theoretical Analysis for Noncohesive Particles 83 Effects of Cohesive Forces 85 Effects of Bulk Density 87 Effects of Clay Minerals 88 Approximate Equations for Erosion Rates 90 Cohesive Sediments 90 Noncohesive Sediments 91 A Uniformly Valid Equation 92 Effects of Clay Minerals 92 Effects of Surface Slope 93 Noncohesive Sediments 93 Critical Stresses for Cohesive Sediments 96 Experimental Results for Cohesive Sediments 97 Chapter 3. Flocculation, Settling, Deposition, and Consolidation 103 Basic Theory of Aggregation 104 Collision Frequency 104 Particle Interactions 106 Results of Flocculation Experiments 108 Flocculation due to Fluid Shear 109 Flocculation due to Differential Settling 116 Settling Speeds of Flocs 120 Flocs Produced in a Couette Flocculator 120 Flocs Produced in a Disk Flocculator 122 An Approximate and Uniformly Valid Equation for the Settling Speed of a Floc 125 Models of Flocculation 126 General Formulation and Model 126 A Simple Model 130 A Very Simple Model 138 An Alternate Derivation 139 Fractal Theory 140 Deposition 142 Processes and Parameters That Affect Deposition 145 Fluid Turbulence 145 Particle Dynamics 148 Particle Size Distribution 148 Flocculation 148 Bed Armoring/Consolidation 149 Partial Coverage of Previously Deposited Sediments by Recently Deposited Sediments 149 Experimental Results and Analyses 149 Implications for Modeling Deposition 154 Consolidation 155 Experimental Results 156 Basic Theory of Consolidation 165 Consolidation Theory Including Gas 169 Appendix A 171 Appendix B 172 Hydrodynamic Modeling 175 General Considerations in the Modeling of Currents 176 Basic Equations and Boundary Conditions 176 Eddy Coefficients 179 Bottom Shear Stress 182 Effects of Currents 182 Effects of Waves and Currents 185 Wind Stress 187 Sigma Coordinates 188 Numerical Stability 189 Two-Dimensional, Vertically Integrated, Time-Dependent Models 190 Basic Equations and Approximations 190 The Lower Fox River 191 Wind-Driven Currents in Lake Erie 194 Two-Dimensional, Horizontally Integrated, Time-Dependent Models 195 Basic Equations and Approximations 196 Time-Dependent Thermal Stratification in Lake Erie 198 Three-Dimensional, Time-Dependent Models 201 Lower Duwamish Waterway 202 Numerical Error due to Use of Sigma Coordinates 204 Model of Currents and Salinities 205 Flow around Partially Submerged Cylindrical Bridge Piers 206 Wave Action 210 Wave Generation 210 Lake Erie 211 (1) A Southwest Wind 212 A North Wind 213 Relation of Wave Action to Sediment Texture 213 Chapter 6. Modeling Sediment Transport 215 Overview of Models 215 Dimensions 215 Quantities That Significantly Affect Sediment Transport 216 Erosion Rates 216 Particle/Floc Size Distributions 217 Settling Speeds 218 Deposition Rates 219 Flocculation of Particles 219 Consolidation 219 Erosion into Suspended Load and/or Bedload 220 Bed Armoring 220 Transport as Suspended Load and Bedload 220 Suspended Load 220 Bedload 221 Erosion into Suspended Load and/or Bedload 223 Bed Armoring 226 Simple Applications 226 Transport and Coarsening in a Straight Channel 227 Transport in an Expansion Region 229 Transport in a Curved Channel 235 The Vertical Transport and Distribution of Flocs 237 Rivers 239 Sediment Transport in the Lower Fox River 239 Model Parameters 240 A Time-Varying Flow 242 Upstream Boundary Condition for Sediment Concentration 246 Use of Sedflume Data in Modeling Erosion Rates 249 Effects of Grid Size 251 Sediment Transport in the Saginaw River 252 Sediment Transport during Spring Runoff 255 Long-Term Sediment Transport Predictions 257 Lakes and Bays 261 Modeling Big Events in Lake Erie 261 Transport due to Uniform Winds 261 The 1940 Armistice Day Storm 263 Geochronology 264 Comparison of Sediment Transport Models for Green Bay 266 Formation of a Turbidity Maximum in an Estuary 271 Numerical Model and Transport Parameters 272 Numerical Calculations 273 A Constant-Depth, Steady-State Flow 273 A Variable-Depth, Steady-State Flow 274 A Variable-Depth, Time-Dependent Tidal Flow 277 Chapter 7. The Sorption and Partitioning of Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals 279 Experimental Results and Analyses 280 Basic Experiments 280 Parameters That Affect Steady-State Sorption and Partitioning 285 Colloids from the Sediments 285 Colloids from the Water 289 Organic Content of Sediments 291 Sorption to Benthic Organisms and Bacteria 292 Nonlinear Isotherms 292 Modeling the Dynamics of Sorption 297 A Diffusion Model 298 A Simple and Computationally Efficient Model 300 Calculations with the General Model and Comparisons with Experimental Results 303 Desorption 305 Adsorption 308 Short-Term Adsorption Followed by Desorption 310 Chapter 8. Effects of Chemical Properties on Adsorption 311 Modeling the Transport and Fate of Hydrophobic Chemicals 313 Effects of Erosion/Deposition and Transport 316 The Saginaw River 316 Green Bay, Effects of Finite Sorption Rates 319 The Diffusion Approximation for the Sediment-Water Flux 322 Simple, or Fickian, Diffusion 322 Sorption Equilibrium 325 A Mass Transfer Approximation 326 The Sediment-Water Flux due to Molecular Diffusion 327 Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) 328 Experiments 328 Theoretical Models 329 Diffusion of Tritiated Water 330 HCB Diffusion and Sorption 331 Additional HOCs 334 Experimental Results 334 Theoretical Model 336 Numerical Calculations 337 Long-Term Sediment-Water Fluxes 338 Related Problems 338 Flux from Contaminated Bottom Sediments to Clean Overlying Water 338 Flux Due to a Contaminant Spill 341 The Sediment-Water Flux Due to Bioturbation 342 Physical Mixing of Sediments by Organisms 343 The Flux of an HOC Due to Organisms 344 Experimental Procedures 345 Theoretical Model 346 Experimental and Modeling Results 348 Modeling Bioturbation as a Diffusion with Finite-Rate Sorption Process 353 The Sediment-Water Flux Due to "Diffusion" 355 The Flux and the Formation of Sediment Layers Due to Erosion/Deposition 355 Comparison of "Diffusive" Fluxes and Decay Times 356 Observations of Well-Mixed Layers 357 The Determination of an Effective h 359 Environmental Dredging: A Study of Contaminant Release and Transport 360 Transport of Dredged Particles 361 Transport and Desorption of Chemical Initially Sorbed to Dredged Particles 362 Diffusive Release of Contaminant from the Residual Layers 363 Volatilization 365 Water Quality Modeling, Parameterization, and Non-Unique Solutions 366 Process Models 367 Sediment Erosion 367 Sediment Deposition 367 Bed Armoring 368 The Sediment-Water Flux of HOCs Due to "Diffusion" 368 Equilibrium Partitioning 368 Numerical Grid 369 Parameterization and Non-Unique Solutions 369 Implications for Water Quality Modeling 370 References 373 Index 389 ER -