Walton, Christopher D.

Agency and the semantic web / Christopher D. Walton. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2007 - 249 p.

1 The Semantic Web 1
1.1 Information and knowledge 2
1.1.1 Knowledge representation 3
1.1.2 Ontologies and knowledge lifecycles 6
1.2 Agency and reasoning 8
1.2.1 Communication and societies 11
1.3 Knowledge services 14
1.4 Book outline 17
1.5 Suggested reading 18
2 Web knowledge 19
2.1 Resource description framework 20
2.1.1 RDF resources and representation 22
2.1.2 An XML syntax for RDF 24
2.2 RDF schema vocabularios 29
2.2.1 RDF schema concepts 30
2.2.2 An RDF syntax for RDF schema 33
2.3 The web ontology language 37
2.3.1 An RDF syntax for OWL-Lite 40
2.3.2 OWL-DL and OWL-Full 45
2.4 Summary 50
2.5 Exercises 54
2.6 Suggested reading 54
3 Reactive agents 56
3.1 Rational agency 58
3.1.1 Distributed agent systems 60
3.2 Reactive agent systems 61
3.2.1 Equation-based reactive systems 63
3.2.2 State-based reactive systems 67
3.2.3 Verification of state-based reactive systems 69
3.3 Summary 77
3.4 Exercises 80
3.5 Suggested reading 81
4 Practical reasoning and deductive agents 83
4.1 The BDI model 84
4.2 Planning agents 86
4.3 Set-theoretic planning 93
4.4 Deductive reasoning agent systems 96
4.4.1 Temporal deductive systems 100
4.5 Hybrid agent systems 108
4.6 Summary 111
4.7 Exercises 113
4.8 Suggested reading 114
5 Reasoning on the Web 115
5.1 Query languages 116
5.1.1 SPARQL query language 119
5.2 Description logics 124
5.2.1 Description language 126
5.2.2 Knowledge representation 130
5.2.3 Reasoning by knowledge inference 132
5.2.4 Reasoning techniques 134
5.3 Beyond ontologies 137
5.3.1 Rule languages 137
5.3.2 Frame systems 141
5.4 Summary 145
5.5 Exercises 147
5.6 Suggested reading 148
6 Agent communication 150
6.1 Knowledge and communication 151
6.2 Communication techniques 152
6.2.1 The Linda architecture 153
6.2.2 Message passing in SOAP 155
6.2.3 Peer-to-peer architecture 159
6.3 Agent ontologies 161
6.3.1 Performative verbs 162
6.3.2 The FIPA agent communication language 163
6.3.3 FIPA-ACL formal model 166
6.3.4 FIPA-ACL messages 168
6.4 Dialogues 170
6.4.1 Dialogue frames 172
6.5 Artificial social systems 175
6.5.1 Electronic institutions 177
6.5.2 Protocol languages 181
6.6 Summary 187
6.7 Exercises 189
6.8 Suggested reading 191
7 Semantic Web services 193
7.1 Service-oriented architecture 194
7.2 Web services architecture 197
7.3 Web service description language 199
7.4 Knowledge services 203
7.4.1 Web services and agents 204
7.4.2 Multiagent services 206
7.4.3 Agent-based service composition 209
7.5 Service ontologies 215
7.5.1 OWL service ontology 216
7.5.2 OWL-S profile description 218
7.5.3 OWL-S process model 220
7.5.4 OWL-S task model 224
7.5.5 OWL-S grounding 228
7.5.6 Web services modelling ontology 229
7.6 Summary 232
7.7 Exercises 233
7.8 Suggested reading 234
8 Conclusions 236
8.1 The Semantic Web vision 236
8.1.1 Ontology mapping 239
8.1.2 Trust 243
8.2 Suggested reading 246
Index 247



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