Translating and the computer. 13, the theory and practice of machine translation. A marriage of convenience? - London: Aslib, 1992 - 165 p.

Proceedings of a Conference (1991 nov. 28-29 : London)

Session 1. The Theory
Why Computers Do Not Translate Better 3
Session 2. Terminology TEI-TERM: an SGML-based interchange format for terminology files 19
The EuroTermBank 39
Session 3. Multilingual Working
Dealing with Multiple Languages in the Computer Industry 47
Computer Character Sets: their evolution and impact 61
Session 4. Translating the Software
Software Localisation: a case history 71
Session 5. Quality and Testing
On Evaluating MT Systems 81
From Evaluation to Specification 93
Session 6. The Practice The Globalink Translation System - GTS 107
SYSTRAN: or the reality of machine translation 113
Alpnet and TSS: the commercial realities of using a computer-aided translation system 119
Session 7. The Future
Current Practical Machine Translation Systems in Japan and Future Directions 129
EUROTRA: an assessment of the current state of the EC's MT programme 137
Machine Translation Seen as Interactive Multilingual Text Generation 153



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