Picken, Catriona

Translating and the computer. preparing for the net decade / 11, Catriona Picken. - London : Aslib, 1990 - 135 p.

Proceedings of a Conference (1989 nov. 16-17 : London)

Session 1: The translation production process 1
Managing translation projects using Project Manager Workbench 3
Forsdick, Brian
The Translator's Workbench Project 9
Thomas, Patricia
Problems in software translation and how to avoid them Siegrun 20
Siegrum O'Sulivan
Session 1: Summary of the discussion 24
Session 2: Terminology systems 27
Computer tools to improve the work of translators 29
Cassar, Nigel
IFP terminological databases and the compiling of specialised dictionaries 39
Brace, G.
The IMO terminology data bank 50
Walls, Nicole
Copyright, computers, dictionaries and translations 59
Phillips, Jeremy
Session 2: Summary of the discussion 63
Session 3: Technology in the service of the translator 67
Hardware and software for desktop publishing 69
Petrie, Howard
CD-ROM: what can it offer the translator? 75
Day, Joan M.
The use of computer technology to store and redistribute voice as an aid to translation services 79
McKenzie, Fred
Session 3: Summary of the discussion 84
Session 4: Translation systems 89
Translation and republication of technical documents 91
Fournier, Ron and Rogers, Lany
METAL-machine translation in practice 91
Little, Patrick
Session 4: Summary of the discussion 108
Session 5: Voice systems 111
Speech recognition, artificial intelligence and translation: how rosy a future? 113
Thompson, Henry
Session 5: Summary of the discussion 118
Biographical notes on speakers and chairs
List of participants



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