Ginsburg, David

ATM : solutions for enterprise internetworking / David Ginsburg. - England : Addison-Wesley, 1996 - 569 p.

ATM= Asynchronous Transfer Mode

1 ATM background and business drivers 1
1.1 ATM: what and why? 1
1.2 Business drivers 4
1.3 Promise and reality 7
2 Standardization 17
2.1 Decision for ATM versus fast packet and TDM 20
2.2 International Telecommunication Union (ITU) 22
2.3 ATM Forum 24
2.4 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 32
2.5 Digital Audio Visual Council (DAVIC) 33
2.6 IEEE 34
3 Architecture 35
3.1 The physical ATM network 36
3.2 Signaling 86
3.3 Trunking and routing 100
3.4 Addressing 114
3.5 Traffic management 124
3.6 Management, security, and directory services 170
4 Services 195
4.1 ATM data models 196
4.2 Circuit Emulation Service (CES) and Voice and Telephony over ATM (VTOA) 316
4.3 Voice interworking 324
4.4. Video coding, conferencing, and distribution 329
4.5 Residential and small office services 338
5 Implementing ATM 341
5.1 Requirements 341
5.2 Infrastructure 351
5.3 Applications 380
5.4 Implementation examples 385
6 TM and other technologies455
6.1 Local area 456
6.2 Wide area 472
A Technical 485
B Rollouts 501
C Sources 509
Glossary (ATM from A to Z) 523
Acronyms 237
Bibliography 243
Index 557



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