Tucker, Allen B.

The computer science and engineering handbook / editor-in-chief Allen B. Tucker, jr. - [s.l.] : Crc Press, 1997 - 2611 p.

1 Computer Science and Engineering: The Discipline and Its Impact / Tucker, Allen B., Jr.; Wegner, Peter 1
2 Ethical Issues for Computer Scientists and Engineers / Johnson, Deborah G.; Miller, Keith 16
3 Formal Models and Computability / Jiang, Tao; Li, Ming; Ravikumar, Bala 31
4 Basic Techniques for Design Analysis of Algorithms / Reingold, Edward M. 64
5 Data Structures / Tamassia, Roberto; Cantrill, Bryan 86
6 Computational Geometry / Lee, D. T. 111
7 Randomized Algorithms / Motwani, Rajeev; Raghavan, Prabhakar 141
8 Pattern Matching and Text Compression Algorithms / Crochemore, Maxime; Lecroq, Thierry 162
9 Graph and Network Algorithms / Khuller, Samir; Raghavachari, Balaji 203
10 Algebraic Algorithms / Diaz, Angel; Kaltofen, Erich; Pan, Victor 226
11 Complexity Theory / Loui, Michael C. 250
12 Parallel Algorithms / Blelloch, Guy E.; Maggs, Bruce M. 277
13 Combinatorial Optimization / Chandru, Vijay; Rao, M. R. 316
14 A Case Study in Algorithms: Very Large-Scale Integrated (VLSI) Circuit Layout / LaPaugh, Andrea S. 355
15 Digital Logic / Feldman, James 382
16 Digital Computer Architecture / Kaeli, David R. 412
17 Buses / Hsu, Windsor W.; Peir, Jih-Kwon 427
18 Memory Systems / Burger, Douglas; Goodman, James R.; Sohi, Gurindar S. 447
19 High-Speed Computer Arithmetic / Swartzlander, Earl E., Jr. 462
20 Parallel Architectures / Flynn, Michael J.; Rudd, Kevin W. 482
21 Explanation-Based Learning / DeJong, Gerald 499
22 Decision Trees and Instance-Based Classifiers / Quinlan, J. R. 521
23 Neural Networks / Jordan, Michael I.; Bishop, Christopher M. 536
24 Genetic Algorithms / Forrest, Stephanie 557
25 Computer Vision / Huttenlocher, Daniel 572
26 Understanding Spoken Language / Seneff, Daniel; Zue, Victor 595
27 Planning and Scheduling / Dean, Thomas; Kambhampati, Subbarao 614
28 Knowledge-Based Systems for Natural Language Processing / Mahesh, Kavi; Nirenburg, Sergei 637
29 Logic-Based Deductive Reasoning / Lu, James J.; Rosenthal, Erik 654
30 Search / Kopec, Danny; Marsland, T. A. 676
31 Graphical Models for Probabilistic and Causal Reasoning / Pearl, Judea 697
32 Qualitative Reasoning / Forbus, Kenneth D. 715
33 Robotics / Lewis, F. L.; Fitzgerald, M.; Liu, K. 734
34 Geometry-Grid Generation / Soni, Bharat K.; Weatherill, Nigel P. 791
35 Scientific Visualization / Sherman, William R.; Craig, Alan B.; Baker, M. Pauline; Bushell, Colleen 820
36 Computational Structural Mechanics / Noor, Ahmed K. 847
37 Computational Fluid Dynamics / Caughey, David A. 873
38 Computational Reacting Flow / Cinnella, Pasquale; Cox, Carey F. 892
39 Computational Electromagnetics / Shang, J. S. 912
40 Computational Ocean Modeling / Kantha, Lakshmi; Piacsek, Steven 934
41 Computational Biology / Kingsbury, David T. 959
42 Data Models / Silberschatz, Avi; Korth, Henry F.; Sudarshan, S. 979
43 Tuning Database Design for High Performance / Shasha, Dennis 995
44 Access Methods / Salzberg, Betty 1012
45 Query Optimization / Ioannidis, Yannis E. 1038
46 Concurrency Control and Recovery / Franklin, Michael J. 1058
47 Database Performance Measurement / O'Neil, Patrick 1078
48 Distributed and Parallel Database Systems / Ozsu, M. Tamer 1093
49 Database Security and Privacy / Jajodia, Sushil 1112
50 Text Databases and Information Retrieval / Riloff, Ellen; Hollaar, Lee 1125
51 Rules in Database Systems / Ceri, Stefano; Ramakrishnan, Raghu 1142
52 Object Database Systems / Bancilhon, Francedillaois 1158
53 The SQL Language: A Case Study / Melton, Jim 1171
54 Overview of Three-Dimensional Computer Graphics / House, Donald H. 1193
55 Geometric Primitives / Rockwood, Alyn P. 1212
56 Advanced Geometric Modeling / Ebert, David S. 1226
57 Mainstream Rendering Techniques / Watt, Alan 1245
58 Sampling, Reconstruction, and Antialiasing / Wolberg, George 1270
59 Computer Animation / Magnenat-Thalmann, Nadia; Thalmann, Daniel 1300
60 Volume Visualization / Kaufman, Arie E. 1319
61 Virtual Reality / Bryson, Steve 1354
62 RenderMan: An Interface for Image Synthesis / Apodaca, Anthony A. 1375
63 Task Analysis and the Design of Functionality / Kieras, David 1401
64 The Organizational Contexts of Development and Use / Grudin, Jonathan; Markus, M. Lynne 1424
65 Usability Engineering / Nielsen, Jakob 1440
66 User Interface Design Activities / Brooks, Ruven 1461
67 International User Interface Standardization / Dzida, Wolfgang 1474
68 Input Devices and Techniques / Jacob, Robert J. K. 1494
69 Output Devices and Techniques / Ware, Colin 1512
70 Interactive Techniques / Ziegler, Jurgen 1531
71 Multimedia / Alty, James L. 1551
72 Interface Software Technology / Myers, Brad A. 1571
73 The Human Factor in Programming and Software Development / Rosson, Mary Beth 1596
74 On-Line Support Systems: Tutorials, Documentation, and Help / Selber, Stuart A.; Johnson-Eilola, Johndan; Mehlenbacher, Brad 1619
75 What Is an Operating System? / Finkel, Raphael 1647
76 Thread Management for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors / Anderson, Thomas E.; Bershad, Brian N.; Lazowska, Edward D.; Levy, Henry M. 1665
77 Process and Device Scheduling / Cupper, Robert D. 1677
78 Real-Time and Embedded Systems / Stankovic, John A. 1709
79 Process Synchronization and Interprocess Communication / Wills, Craig E. 1725
80 Virtual Memory / Denning, Peter J. 1747
81 Secondary Storage and Filesystems / McKusick, Marshall Kirk 1761
82 Network Organization and Topologies / Stallings, William 1776
83 Routing Protocols / Perlman, Radia 1800
84 Internetworking / Reid, Brian; Stuart, Stephen 1815
85 Overview of Distributed Operating Systems / Mullender, Stephen 1825
86 Distributed File Systems and Distributed Memory / Doeppner, T. W., Jr. 1851
87 Distributed and Multiprocessor Scheduling / Chapin, Steve J. 1870
88 Software Support for Heterogeneous Computing / Siegel, Howard Jay; Dietz, Henry G.; Antonio, John K. 1886
89 Security and Privacy Issues in Computer and Communication Systems / Neumann, Peter G. 1910
90 Protection (Security) Models and Policy / Landwehr, Carl E. 1914
91 Authentication, Access Control, and Intrusion Detection / Sandhu, Carl E.; Samarati, Pierangela 1929
92 Network and Internet Security / Bellovin, Steven 1949
93 Malicious Software and Hacking / Ferbrache, David; Mort, Stuart 1962
94 Imperative Language Paradigm / Jipping, Michael J.; Bruce, Kim 1983
95 Functional Programming Languages / Goldberg, Benjamin 2006
96 The Object-Oriented Language Paradigm / Ege, Raimund; Hirshfield, Stuart 2037
97 Logic Programming and Constraint Logic Programming / Cohen, Jacques 2066
98 Concurrent/Distributed Computing Paradigm / Bernat, Andew P. 2094
99 Compilers and Interpreters / Louden, Kenneth C. 2120
100 Parallelizing Compilers / Wolfe, Michael 2148
101 Run Time Environments and Memory Management / Noonan, Robert E.; Bynum, William L. 2166
102 Foundational Calculi for Programming Languages / Pierce, Benjamin C. 2190
103 Type Systems / Cardelli, Luca 2208
104 Programming Language Semantics / Schmidt, David A. 2237
105 Software Process Models / Sommerville, Ian 2259
106 Software Qualities and Principles / Ghezzi, Carlo; Jazayeri, Mehdi; Mandrioli, Dino 2278
107 Formal Models and the Specification Process / Bowen, Jonathan P.; Hinchey, Michael G. 2302
108 Software Design / Demurjian, Steven A., Sr. 2323
109 Verification and Validation / Gannon, John D. 2352
110 Testing: Principles and Practice / Schach, Stephen R. 2379
111 Development Strategies and Project Management / Pressman, Roger S. 2399
112 Software Tools and Environments / Reiss, Steven P. 2419
113 Interactive Software Technology / Wegner, Peter 2440
Appendix A Professional Societies in Computing 2466
Appendix B The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct 2469
Appendix C Standard-Making Bodies and Standards 2476
Appendix D Hardware and Networking Standards 2478
Appendix E Common System Command Languages 2479
Appendix F Internet Access Protocols 2493
Appendix G Common Programming Languages 2502
Appendix H Common Graphics Languages 2509
Appendix I Common Editing Markup Languages 2511



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