Magid, Jonathan

The web server book : tools and techniques for building your own internet information site / Jonathan Magid, R. Douglas Matthews and Paul Jones. - Chapel Hill NC : Ventana Press, 1995 - 640 p.

Incluye CD-ROM, nš inv. RE0081

Section I: Gathering the Pieces
1. What Is the Web 1
Clients Servers. The Information Server Other Things To Keep in Mind 1
Origins of the World Wide Web. Hypertext 7
Tim Berners-Lee, CERN the World Wide Web 9
The Release of WWW 11
NCSA Mosaic 12
Netscape the Browser Explosion 15
Servers 16
The W3 Consortium 17
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 18
Keeping Current 19
2. The Basic Pieces 25
HyperText Transfer Protocol. How HTTP Works 25
Files on the Web. File Formats MIME Typing MIME Typing Compression 29
The Basics of HTML. Locating the Documents Creating the Documents Hyperlinks Images Netscape Extras 39
tkHTML: An HTML Editor 53
3. Setting Up the Server 63
Comparing Servers. The CERN Server Plexus The WN Server _ Servers in Development phttpd 64
The NCSA Server. Compiling the NCSA Server Configuring the Server Server Configuration File Server Resource Map Server Access File Setting Up Your Web Space Starting the Server Access Authentication Miscellaneous Server Tasks 71
Leasing Space 101
4. System Security 105
General UNIX Security. Accounts File Permissions Ownership Security Logs System Status 107
Internet Security. Checking Services NIS NFS Advanced Internet Security Options 132
When You've Been Cracked. Finding a Break In Things to Do People to Contact 149
Section II: Adding Content
5. Importing Documents to the Web 161
Text to HTML 161
RTF to HTML. Graphics Command-Line Options Defining New Styles 169
Word Processor Converters. Word for Windows Internet Assistant WordPerfect Other Word Processors 180
6. Checking Your Work 189
HTML Style. Platform Independence HTML Designing With Style Absolute Relative URLs 190
Validation Programs. Content Style Checkers Checking Your Links With Anchor Checker Wandering Through Your Site With MOMspider 199
7. Images on the Web 227
Comparing Links Inlines 228
Placing Inlines on the Page. Common HTML Netscape Extensions GIF JPEG Further Thoughts on GIF vs. JPEG 230
Getting the Best From Inline Images. Manipulating Colormaps Interlaced GIFs Scaling Images Transparent GIFs Putting It Together 240
Commonly Used Inlines. Pretty Little Dots Color Bars Navigation Buttons Icons 258
Clickable Imagemaps 264
8. True Multimedia: Adding Audio Animation 269
Digital Audio on the Internet. Audio File Formats MIDI MOD Audio Software 270
Digital Video on the Internet. Animation File Formats Video Software Serving Multimedia Files 289
Section III: Adding Interactivity
9. Searching Indexing 303
Overview of WAIS 305
The WAIS Indexer. Creating an Index Exporting a Database Other waisindex Options waisindex Filters Incremental Indexing Stop Words Synonym Lists Extending the Indexer 308
The WAIS Server. Standalone Servers Using Inetd Server Security 334
Indexing Your Web Server 339
10. Simple Forms 343
The Basic Structure of a Form. Submit Reset The INPUTTag The SELECTTag The TEXTAREATag 346
Putting It Together With "form Using gform Deliverable Text Keywords Putting It Together 359
Using Forms for Gateways. What fwais Is What fwais Does 366
11. CGI: Advanced Forms for Programmers 379
Programming With CGI 380
The ISINDEXTag 382
Handling HTML Forms. Form Structure CGI URL Encoding The POST Method The GET Method 388
Generating Pages Dynamically 408
CGI Reference. CGI Environment Variables CGI Headers 418
Section IV: Final Considerations
12. Fitting In: Joining the Virtual Community 429
Location First Impressions. Site Unity Traffic Control: Design Content Considerations 429
Choosing Reaching Your Audience 439
13. Future Directions 453
HTML v3.0. Defining Your Documents Designing Your Documents Refining Your Documents: The New Improved Tags 454
HTTP-Next Generation 486
Security Commerce. Security Protocols Other Approaches to Security on the Web 488
Virtual Reality Modeling Language. HotJava 502
Teleconferencing Technologies Advanced Multimedia. MBONE 512
Section V: Appendices
Appendix A About the Online Companion 523
Appendix B About the Companion CD-ROM 525
Appendix C Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO 531
Appendix D Installing Linux 555
Appendix E The Linux XFree86 HOWTO 583
Appendix F Legacy Technologies: FTP Gopher 607
References 621
Index 627



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