Sediment and contaminant transport in surface waters / (Registro nro. 13063)
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000 -Cabecera | |
Campo de control de longitud fija | 09201nam a2200385 a 4500 |
003 - Identificador del Número de control | |
Identificador del número de control | AR-sfUTN |
008 - Códigos de información de longitud fija-Información general | |
Códigos de información de longitud fija | 170717s2009 ||||| |||| 00| 0 eng d |
020 ## - ISBN | |
ISBN | 9781420059878 |
080 ## - CDU | |
Clasificación Decimal Universal | 556.5 L618 |
Edición de la CDU | 2000 |
100 1# - Punto de acceso principal-Nombre de persona | |
Nombre personal | Lick, Wilbert |
245 10 - Mención de título | |
Mención de responsabilidad | Wilbert Lick. |
260 ## - Publicación, distribución, etc. (pie de imprenta) | |
Lugar de publicación, distribución, etc. | Boca Raton : |
Nombre del editor, distribuidor, etc. | CRC, |
Fecha de publicación, distribución, etc. | 2009 |
300 ## - Descripción física | |
Extensión | 398 p. |
336 ## - Tipo de contenido | |
Fuente | rdacontent |
Término de tipo de contenido | texto |
Código de tipo de contenido | txt |
337 ## - Tipo de medio | |
Fuente | rdamedia |
Nombre del tipo de medio | sin mediación |
Código del tipo de medio | n |
338 ## - Tipo de soporte | |
Fuente | rdacarrier |
Nombre del tipo de soporte | volumen |
Código del tipo de soporte | nc |
505 80 - Nota de contenido con formato | |
Nota de contenido con formato | CONTENIDO<br/>Chapter 1. Introduction 1<br/>Examples of Contaminated Sediment Sites 2<br/>Hudson River 2<br/>Lower Fox River 4<br/>Passaic River/Newark Bay 6<br/>Palos Verdes Shelf 7<br/>Modeling, Parameterization, and Non-Unique Solutions 9<br/>Modeling 9<br/>Parameterization and Non-Unique Solutions 10<br/>The Importance of Big Events 12<br/>Chapter 2. General Properties of Sediments 21<br/>Particle Sizes 21<br/>Classification of Sizes 21<br/>Measurements of Particle Size 23<br/>Size Distributions 23<br/>Variations in Size of Natural Sediments throughout a System 26<br/>Settling Speeds 30<br/>Mineralogy 33<br/>Flocculation of Suspended Sediments 35<br/>Bulk Densities of Bottom Sediments 37<br/>Measurements of Bulk Density 39<br/>Variations in Bulk Density 41<br/>Chapter 3. Sediment Erosion 45<br/>Devices for Measuring Sediment Resuspension/Erosion 46<br/>Annular Flumes 46<br/>The Shaker 50<br/>Sedflume 51<br/>A Comparison of Devices 54<br/>Results of Field Measurements 56<br/>Detroit River 57<br/>Kalamazoo River 60<br/>Effects of Bulk Properties on Erosion Rates 67<br/>Bulk Density 68<br/>Particle Size 70<br/>Mineralogy 72<br/>Organic Content 75<br/>Salinity 76<br/>Gas 77<br/>Comparison of Erosion Rates 79<br/>Benthic Organisms and Bacteria 80<br/>Initiation of Motion and a Critical Shear Stress for Erosion 81<br/>Theoretical Analysis for Noncohesive Particles 83<br/>Effects of Cohesive Forces 85<br/>Effects of Bulk Density 87<br/>Effects of Clay Minerals 88<br/>Approximate Equations for Erosion Rates 90<br/>Cohesive Sediments 90<br/>Noncohesive Sediments 91<br/>A Uniformly Valid Equation 92<br/>Effects of Clay Minerals 92<br/>Effects of Surface Slope 93<br/>Noncohesive Sediments 93<br/>Critical Stresses for Cohesive Sediments 96<br/>Experimental Results for Cohesive Sediments 97<br/>Chapter 3. Flocculation, Settling, Deposition, and Consolidation 103<br/>Basic Theory of Aggregation 104<br/>Collision Frequency 104<br/>Particle Interactions 106<br/>Results of Flocculation Experiments 108<br/>Flocculation due to Fluid Shear 109<br/>Flocculation due to Differential Settling 116<br/>Settling Speeds of Flocs 120<br/>Flocs Produced in a Couette Flocculator 120<br/>Flocs Produced in a Disk Flocculator 122<br/>An Approximate and Uniformly Valid Equation for the Settling Speed of a Floc 125<br/>Models of Flocculation 126<br/>General Formulation and Model 126<br/>A Simple Model 130<br/>A Very Simple Model 138<br/>An Alternate Derivation 139<br/>Fractal Theory 140<br/>Deposition 142<br/>Processes and Parameters That Affect Deposition 145<br/>Fluid Turbulence 145<br/>Particle Dynamics 148<br/>Particle Size Distribution 148<br/>Flocculation 148<br/>Bed Armoring/Consolidation 149<br/>Partial Coverage of Previously Deposited Sediments by Recently Deposited Sediments 149<br/>Experimental Results and Analyses 149<br/>Implications for Modeling Deposition 154<br/>Consolidation 155<br/>Experimental Results 156<br/>Basic Theory of Consolidation 165<br/>Consolidation Theory Including Gas 169<br/>Appendix A 171<br/>Appendix B 172<br/>Hydrodynamic Modeling 175<br/>General Considerations in the Modeling of Currents 176<br/>Basic Equations and Boundary Conditions 176<br/>Eddy Coefficients 179<br/>Bottom Shear Stress 182<br/>Effects of Currents 182<br/>Effects of Waves and Currents 185<br/>Wind Stress 187<br/>Sigma Coordinates 188<br/>Numerical Stability 189<br/>Two-Dimensional, Vertically Integrated, Time-Dependent Models 190<br/>Basic Equations and Approximations 190<br/>The Lower Fox River 191<br/>Wind-Driven Currents in Lake Erie 194<br/>Two-Dimensional, Horizontally Integrated, Time-Dependent Models 195<br/>Basic Equations and Approximations 196<br/>Time-Dependent Thermal Stratification in Lake Erie 198<br/>Three-Dimensional, Time-Dependent Models 201<br/>Lower Duwamish Waterway 202<br/>Numerical Error due to Use of Sigma Coordinates 204<br/>Model of Currents and Salinities 205<br/>Flow around Partially Submerged Cylindrical Bridge Piers 206<br/>Wave Action 210<br/>Wave Generation 210<br/>Lake Erie 211 (1)<br/>A Southwest Wind 212<br/>A North Wind 213<br/>Relation of Wave Action to Sediment Texture 213<br/>Chapter 6. Modeling Sediment Transport 215<br/>Overview of Models 215<br/>Dimensions 215<br/>Quantities That Significantly Affect Sediment Transport 216<br/>Erosion Rates 216<br/>Particle/Floc Size Distributions 217<br/>Settling Speeds 218<br/>Deposition Rates 219<br/>Flocculation of Particles 219<br/>Consolidation 219<br/>Erosion into Suspended Load and/or Bedload 220<br/>Bed Armoring 220<br/>Transport as Suspended Load and Bedload 220<br/>Suspended Load 220<br/>Bedload 221<br/>Erosion into Suspended Load and/or Bedload 223<br/>Bed Armoring 226<br/>Simple Applications 226<br/>Transport and Coarsening in a Straight Channel 227<br/>Transport in an Expansion Region 229<br/>Transport in a Curved Channel 235<br/>The Vertical Transport and Distribution of Flocs 237<br/>Rivers 239<br/>Sediment Transport in the Lower Fox River 239<br/>Model Parameters 240<br/>A Time-Varying Flow 242<br/>Upstream Boundary Condition for Sediment Concentration 246<br/>Use of Sedflume Data in Modeling Erosion Rates 249<br/>Effects of Grid Size 251<br/>Sediment Transport in the Saginaw River 252<br/>Sediment Transport during Spring Runoff 255<br/>Long-Term Sediment Transport Predictions 257<br/>Lakes and Bays 261<br/>Modeling Big Events in Lake Erie 261<br/>Transport due to Uniform Winds 261<br/>The 1940 Armistice Day Storm 263<br/>Geochronology 264<br/>Comparison of Sediment Transport Models for Green Bay 266<br/>Formation of a Turbidity Maximum in an Estuary 271<br/>Numerical Model and Transport Parameters 272<br/>Numerical Calculations 273<br/>A Constant-Depth, Steady-State Flow 273<br/>A Variable-Depth, Steady-State Flow 274<br/>A Variable-Depth, Time-Dependent Tidal Flow 277<br/>Chapter 7. The Sorption and Partitioning of Hydrophobic Organic Chemicals 279<br/>Experimental Results and Analyses 280<br/>Basic Experiments 280<br/>Parameters That Affect Steady-State Sorption and Partitioning 285<br/>Colloids from the Sediments 285<br/>Colloids from the Water 289<br/>Organic Content of Sediments 291<br/>Sorption to Benthic Organisms and Bacteria 292<br/>Nonlinear Isotherms 292<br/>Modeling the Dynamics of Sorption 297<br/>A Diffusion Model 298<br/>A Simple and Computationally Efficient Model 300<br/>Calculations with the General Model and Comparisons with Experimental Results 303<br/>Desorption 305<br/>Adsorption 308<br/>Short-Term Adsorption Followed by Desorption 310<br/>Chapter 8. Effects of Chemical Properties on Adsorption 311<br/>Modeling the Transport and Fate of Hydrophobic Chemicals 313<br/>Effects of Erosion/Deposition and Transport 316<br/>The Saginaw River 316<br/>Green Bay, Effects of Finite Sorption Rates 319<br/>The Diffusion Approximation for the Sediment-Water Flux 322<br/>Simple, or Fickian, Diffusion 322<br/>Sorption Equilibrium 325<br/>A Mass Transfer Approximation 326<br/>The Sediment-Water Flux due to Molecular Diffusion 327<br/>Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) 328<br/>Experiments 328<br/>Theoretical Models 329<br/>Diffusion of Tritiated Water 330<br/>HCB Diffusion and Sorption 331<br/>Additional HOCs 334<br/>Experimental Results 334<br/>Theoretical Model 336<br/>Numerical Calculations 337<br/>Long-Term Sediment-Water Fluxes 338<br/>Related Problems 338<br/>Flux from Contaminated Bottom Sediments to Clean Overlying Water 338<br/>Flux Due to a Contaminant Spill 341<br/>The Sediment-Water Flux Due to Bioturbation 342<br/>Physical Mixing of Sediments by Organisms 343<br/>The Flux of an HOC Due to Organisms 344<br/>Experimental Procedures 345<br/>Theoretical Model 346<br/>Experimental and Modeling Results 348<br/>Modeling Bioturbation as a Diffusion with Finite-Rate Sorption Process 353<br/>The Sediment-Water Flux Due to "Diffusion" 355<br/>The Flux and the Formation of Sediment Layers Due to Erosion/Deposition 355<br/>Comparison of "Diffusive" Fluxes and Decay Times 356<br/>Observations of Well-Mixed Layers 357<br/>The Determination of an Effective h 359<br/>Environmental Dredging: A Study of Contaminant Release and Transport 360<br/>Transport of Dredged Particles 361<br/>Transport and Desorption of Chemical Initially Sorbed to Dredged Particles 362<br/>Diffusive Release of Contaminant from the Residual Layers 363<br/>Volatilization 365<br/>Water Quality Modeling, Parameterization, and Non-Unique Solutions 366<br/>Process Models 367<br/>Sediment Erosion 367<br/>Sediment Deposition 367<br/>Bed Armoring 368<br/>The Sediment-Water Flux of HOCs Due to "Diffusion" 368<br/>Equilibrium Partitioning 368<br/>Numerical Grid 369<br/>Parameterization and Non-Unique Solutions 369<br/>Implications for Water Quality Modeling 370<br/>References 373<br/>Index 389<br/> |
Tipo de ítem Koha | Libro |
Esquema de clasificación | Clasificación Decinal Universal |
952 ## - Información del item y localización (Koha) | |
Estado | |
Estado de conservación | |
Tipo de préstamo | Préstamo |
Biblioteca | Facultad Regional Santa Fe - Biblioteca "Rector Comodoro Ing. Jorge Omar Conca" |
-- | Facultad Regional Santa Fe - Biblioteca "Rector Comodoro Ing. Jorge Omar Conca" |
Fecha de adquisición | 2018-02-02 |
Origen de la adquisición | Donación Maestría Ingeniería Ambiental Proyecto SECTeI 22-01-10 |
Número de inventario | 10552 |
ST completa de Koha | 556.5 L618 |
Código de barras | 10552 |
Precio efectivo a partir de | 2018-02-02 |
Tipo de ítem Koha | Libro |
245 10 - Mención de título | |
Título | Sediment and contaminant transport in surface waters / |
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