Data structures and algorithm analysis in C++ / (Registro nro. 13044)

Detalles MARC
000 -Cabecera
Campo de control de longitud fija 08640nam a2200289 a 4500
003 - Identificador del Número de control
Identificador del número de control AR-sfUTN
008 - Códigos de información de longitud fija-Información general
Códigos de información de longitud fija 170717b ||||| |||| 00| 0 eng d
020 ## - ISBN
ISBN 032144146X
040 ## - Fuente de la catalogación
Centro transcriptor AR-sfUTN
041 ## - Código de lengua
Código de lengua del texto eng
080 0# - CDU
Clasificación Decimal Universal 004.438C++ W436
Edición de la CDU 2000
100 1# - Punto de acceso principal-Nombre de persona
Nombre personal Weiss, Mark Allen.
245 10 - Mención de título
Título Data structures and algorithm analysis in C++ /
Mención de responsabilidad Mark Allen Weiss.
250 ## - Mención de edición
Mención de edición 3rd.
260 ## - Publicación, distribución, etc. (pie de imprenta)
Lugar de publicación, distribución, etc. Boston :
Nombre del editor, distribuidor, etc. Pearson,
Fecha de publicación, distribución, etc. 2006.
300 ## - Descripción física
Extensión 586 p.
336 ## - Tipo de contenido
Fuente rdacontent
Término de tipo de contenido texto
Código de tipo de contenido txt
337 ## - Tipo de medio
Fuente rdamedia
Nombre del tipo de medio sin mediación
Código del tipo de medio n
338 ## - Tipo de soporte
Fuente rdacarrier
Nombre del tipo de soporte volumen
Código del tipo de soporte nc
505 80 - Nota de contenido con formato
Nota de contenido con formato CONTENIDO<br/>CONTENTS<br/>Preface xv<br/>Chapter 1 Introduction 1<br/>1.1 What's the Book About? 1<br/>1.2 Mathematics Review 2<br/>1.2.1 Exponents 3<br/>1.2.2 Logarithms 3<br/>1.2.3 Series 4<br/>1.2.4 Modular Arithmetic 5<br/>1.2.5 The P Word 6<br/>1.3 A Brief Introduction to Recursion 7<br/>1.4 C++ Classes 11<br/>1.4.1 Basic class Syntax 12<br/>1.4.2 Extra Constructor Syntax and Accessors 12<br/>1.4.3 Separation of Interface and Implementation 15<br/>1.4.4 vector and string 17<br/>1.5 C++ Details 19<br/>1.5.1 Pointers 19<br/>1.5.2 Parameter Passing 21<br/>1.5.3 Return Passing 22<br/>1.5.4 Reference Variables 23<br/>1.5.5 The Big Three: Destructor, Copy Constructor, operator 23<br/>1.5.6 C-style Arrays and Strings 26<br/>1.6 Templates 29<br/>1.6.1 Function Templates 29<br/>1.6.2 Class Templates 30<br/>1.6.3 Object, Comparable, and an Example 32<br/>1.6.4 Function Objects 34<br/>1.6.5 Separate Compilation of Class Templates 35<br/>1.7 Using Matrices 37<br/>1.7.1 The Data Members, Constructor, and Basic Accessors 37<br/>1.7.3 Destructor, Copy Assignment, Copy Constructor 39<br/>Chapter 2 Algorithm Analysis 43<br/>2.1 Mathematical Background 43<br/>2.2 Model 46<br/>2.3 What to Analyze 46<br/>2.4 Running Time Calculations 49<br/>2.4.1 A Simple Example 49<br/>2.4.2 General Rules 50<br/>2.4.3 Solutions for the Maximum Subsequence Sum Problem 52<br/>2.4.4 Logarithms in the Running Time 58<br/>2.4.5 Checking Your Analysis 62<br/>2.4.6 A Grain of Salt 63<br/>Chapter 3 Lists, Stacks, and Queues 71<br/>3.1 Abstract Data Types (ADTs) 71<br/>3.2 The List ADT 72<br/>3.2.1 Simple Array Implementation of Lists 72<br/>3.2.2 Simple Linked Lists 73<br/>3.3 vector and list in the STL 74<br/>3.3.1 Iterators 75<br/>3.3.2 Example: Using erase on a List 77<br/>3.3.3 const_iterators 77<br/>3.4 Implementation of vector 79<br/>3.5 Implementation of list 83<br/>3.6 The Stack ADT 94<br/>3.6.1 Stack Model 94<br/>3.6.2 Implementation of Stacks 95<br/>3.6.3 Applications 96<br/>3.7 The Queue ADT 104<br/>3.7.1 Queue Model 104<br/>3.7.2 Array Implementation of Queues 104<br/>3.7.3 Applications of Queues 106<br/>Chapter 4 Trees 113<br/>4.1 Preliminaries 113<br/>4.1.1 Implementation of Trees 114<br/>4.1.2 Tree Traversals with an Application 115<br/>4.2 Binary Trees 119<br/>4.2.1 Implementation 120<br/>4.2.2 An Example: Expression Trees 121<br/>4.3 The Search Tree ADT Binary Search Trees 124<br/>4.3.1 contains 125<br/>4.3.2 findMin and findMax 125<br/>4.3.3 insert 129<br/>4.3.4 remove 130<br/>4.3.5 Destructor and Copy Assignment Operator 132<br/>4.3.6 Average-Case Analysis 133<br/>4.4 AVL Trees 136<br/>4.4.1 Single Rotation 139<br/>4.4.2 Double Rotation 142<br/>4.5 Splay Trees 149<br/>4.5.1 A Simple Idea (That Does Not Work) 150<br/>4.5.2 Splaying 152<br/>4.6 Tree Traversals (Revisited) 158<br/>4.7 B-Trees 159<br/>4.8 Sets and Maps in the Standard Library 165<br/>4.8.1 Sets 165<br/>4.8.2 Maps 166<br/>4.8.3 Implementation of set and map 167<br/>4.8.4 An Example That Uses Several Maps 168<br/>Chapter 5 Hashing 185<br/>5.1 General Idea 185<br/>5.2 Hash Function 186<br/>5.3 Separate Chaining 188<br/>5.4 Hash Tables Without Linked Lists 192<br/>5.4.1 Linear Probing 193<br/>5.4.2 Quadratic Probing 195<br/>5.4.3 Double Hashing 199<br/>5.5 Rehashing 200<br/>5.6 Hash Tables in the Standard Library 204<br/>5.7 Extendible Hashing 204<br/>Chapter 6 Priority Queues (Heaps) 213<br/>6.1 Model 213<br/>6.2 Simple Implementations 214<br/>6.3 Binary Heap 215<br/>6.3.1 Structure Property 215<br/>6.3.2 Heap-Order Property 216<br/>6.3.3 Basic Heap Operations 217<br/>6.3.4 Other Heap Operations 220<br/>6.4 Applications of Priority Queues 225<br/>6.4.1 The Selection Problem 226<br/>6.4.2 Event Simulation 227<br/>6.5 d-Heaps 228<br/>6.6 Leftist Heaps 229<br/>6.6.1 Leftist Heap Property 229<br/>6.6.2 Leftist Heap Operations 230<br/>6.7 Skew Heaps 235<br/>6.8 Binomial Queues 239<br/>6.8.1 Binomial Queue Structure 240<br/>6.8.2 Binomial Queue Operations 241<br/>6.8.3 Implementation of Binomial Queues 244<br/>6.9 Priority Queues in the Standard Library 251<br/>Chapter 7 Sorting 261<br/>7.1 Preliminaries 261<br/>7.2 Insertion Sort 262<br/>7.2.1 The Algorithm 262<br/>7.2.2 STL Implementation of Insertion Sort 263<br/>7.2.3 Analysis of Insertion Sort 264<br/>7.3 A Lower Bound for Simple Sorting Algorithms 265<br/>7.4 Shellsort 266<br/>7.4.1 Worst-Case Analysis of Shellsort 268<br/>7.5 Heapsort 270<br/>7.5.1 Analysis of Heapsort 272<br/>7.6 Mergesort 274<br/>7.6.1 Analysis of Mergesort 276<br/>7.7 Quicksort 279<br/>7.7.1 Picking the Pivot 280<br/>7.7.2 Partitioning Strategy 282<br/>7.7.3 Small Arrays 284<br/>7.7.4 Actual Quicksort Routines 284<br/>7.7.5 Analysis of Quicksort 287<br/>7.7.6 A Linear-Expected-Time Algorithm for Selection 290<br/>7.8 Indirect Sorting 292<br/>7.8.1 vector Comparable Does Not Work 295<br/>7 8.2 Smart Pointer Class 295<br/>7 8.3 Overloading operator 295<br/>7 8.4 Dereferencing a Pointer with 295<br/>7 8.5 Overloading the Type Conversion Operator 295<br/>7 8.6 Implicit Type Conversions Are Everywhere 296<br/>7 8.7 Dual-Direction Implicit Conversions Can Cause Ambiguities 296<br/>7 8.8 Pointer Subtraction Is Legal 297<br/>7.9 A General Lower Bound for Sorting 297<br/>7.9.1 Decision Trees 297<br/>7.10 Bucket Sort 299<br/>7.11 External Sorting 300<br/>7 11.1 Why We Need New Algorithms 300<br/>7 11.2 Model for External Sorting 300<br/>7 11.3 The Simple Algorithm 301<br/>7 11.4 Multiway Merge 302<br/>7 11.5 Polyphase Merge 303<br/>7 11.6 Replacement Selection 304<br/>Chapter 8 The Disjoint Set Class 315<br/>8.1 Equivalence Relations 315<br/>8.2 The Dynamic Equivalence Problem 316<br/>8.3 Basic Data Structure 317<br/>8.4 Smart Union Algorithms 321<br/>8.5 Path Compression 324<br/>8.6 Worst Case for Union-by-Rank and Path Compression 325<br/>8.6.1 Analysis of the Union/Find Algorithm 326<br/>8.7 An Application 331<br/>Chapter 9 Graph Algorithms 339<br/>9.1 Definitions 339<br/>9.1.1 Representation of Graphs 340<br/>9.2 Topological Sort 342<br/>9.3 Shortest-Path Algorithms 345<br/>9.3.1 Unweighted Shortest Paths 347<br/>9.3.2 Dijkstra's Algorithm 351<br/>9.3.3 Graphs with Negative Edge Costs 360<br/>9.3.4 Acyclic Graphs 360<br/>9.3.5 All-Pairs Shortest Path 364<br/>9.3.6 Shortest Path Example 365<br/>9.4 Network Flow Problems 367<br/>9.4.1 A Simple Maximum-Flow Algorithm 367<br/>9.5 Minimum Spanning Tree 372<br/>9.5.1 Prim's Algorithm 373<br/>9.5.2 Kruskal's Algorithm 376<br/>9.6 Applications of Depth-First Search 378<br/>9.6.1 Undirected Graphs 379<br/>9.6.2 Biconnectivity 381<br/>9.6.3 Euler Circuits 385<br/>9.6.4 Directed Graphs 388<br/>9.6.5 Finding Strong Components 390<br/>9.7 Introduction to NP-Completeness 392<br/>9.7.1 Easy vs. Hard 392<br/>9.7.2 The Class NP 393<br/>9.7.3 NP-Complete Problems 394<br/>Chapter 10 Algorithm Design Techniques 409<br/>10.1 Greedy Algorithms 409<br/>10.1.1 A Simple Scheduling Problem 410<br/>10.1.2 Huffman Codes 413<br/>10.1.3 Approximate Bin Packing 419<br/>10.2 Divide and Conquer 427<br/>10.2.1 Running Time of Divide and Conquer Algorithms 428<br/>10.2.2 Closest-Points Problem 430<br/>10.2.3 The Selection Problem 435<br/>10.2.4 Theoretical Improvements for Arithmetic Problems 438<br/>10.3 Dynamic Programming 442<br/>10.3.1 Using a Table Instead of Recursion 442<br/>10.3.2 Ordering Matrix Multiplications 444<br/>10.3.3 Optimal Binary Search Tree 447<br/>10.3.4 All-Pairs Shortest Path 451<br/>10.4 Randomized Algorithms 454<br/>10.4.1 Random Number Generators 455<br/>10.4.2 Skip Lists 459<br/>10.4.3 Primality Testing 461<br/>10.5 Backtracking Algorithms 464<br/>10.5.1 The Turnpike Reconstruction Problem 465<br/>10.5.2 Games 469<br/>Chapter 11 Amortized Analysis 491<br/>11.1 An Unrelated Puzzle 492<br/>11.2 Binomial Queues 492<br/>11.3 Skew Heaps 497<br/>11.4 Fibonacci Heaps 499<br/>11.4.1 Cutting Nodes in Leftist Heaps 500<br/>11.4.2 Lazy Merging for Binomial Queues 502<br/>11.4.3 The Fibonacci Heap Operations 506<br/>11.4.4 Proof of the Time Bound 506<br/>11.5 Splay Trees 509<br/>Chapter 12 Advanced Data Structures and Implementation 517<br/>12.1 Top-Down Splay Trees 517<br/>12.2 Red-Black Trees 525<br/>12.2.1 Bottom-Up Insertion 526<br/>12.2.2 Top-Down Red-Black Trees 527<br/>12.2.3 Top-Down Deletion 531<br/>12.3 Deterministic Skip Lists 535<br/>12.4 AA-Trees 540<br/>12.5 Treaps 547<br/>12.6 k-d Trees 549<br/>12.7 Pairing Heaps 553<br/>Appendix A Separate Compilation of Class Templates 567<br/>A.1 Everything in the Header 568<br/>A.2 Explicit Instantiation 568<br/>A.3 The export Directive 570<br/>Index 571<br/>
650 14 - Punto de acceso adicional de materia - Término de materia
650 14 - Punto de acceso adicional de materia - Término de materia
650 14 - Punto de acceso adicional de materia - Término de materia
Término de materia COMPUTER ALGORITHMS
Tipo de ítem Koha Libro
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      Sólo Consulta Facultad Regional Santa Fe - Biblioteca "Rector Comodoro Ing. Jorge Omar Conca" Facultad Regional Santa Fe - Biblioteca "Rector Comodoro Ing. Jorge Omar Conca" 02/02/2018 Donación Fundación FRSF 10533 1 004.438C++ W436 10533 24/08/2023 24/08/2023 02/02/2018 Libro
        Facultad Regional Santa Fe - Biblioteca "Rector Comodoro Ing. Jorge Omar Conca" Facultad Regional Santa Fe - Biblioteca "Rector Comodoro Ing. Jorge Omar Conca" 02/02/2018 Donación Fundación FRSF 10534 1 004.438C++ W436 10534 22/10/2018 19/10/2018 02/02/2018 Libro