Network path caching:: Issues, algorithms and a simulation study

Peyravian, Mohammad

Network path caching:: Issues, algorithms and a simulation study

Caching of network paths in a connection-oriented communication network provides a means to store computed paths for later reuse. We propose that network path caching can provide an efficient way to eliminate, whenever possible, the expensive path computation algorithm that has to be performed in setting up a network connection. This paper is the first known work on network path caching in decentralized connection-oriented networks. It first identifies and analyses the issues that arise in caching network paths. Based on our extensive study of network path caching schemes, we then propose two path caching algorithms to reduce the number of path computations in the network when a new connection is to be established. A simulation study of the two algorithms is then presented. We conclude that both algorithms perform very well and significantly reduce the number of path computations in setting up connections


H004.7 COM