Von Holz zu Kohlefaser, von Kilowatt zu Multi-Megawatt - Wohin geht die Windenergie-Rotorblatttechnik?

Seifert, H.

Von Holz zu Kohlefaser, von Kilowatt zu Multi-Megawatt - Wohin geht die Windenergie-Rotorblatttechnik?

At the end of the year 2004 about 48 GW wind power were installed world wide. At this moment alone 16.000 wind turbines fed renewable energy into the German grid. The rotor diameter of about 90 per cent of all in the year 2004 installed turbines was larger than 60 m. These serial produced wind turbines feature a common technology, namely three blades, an upwind running pitch controlled rotor, and variable speed. Today, prototypes with hub heights of more than 120 m, rotor diameters of up to 126 m and an installed power of up to 6 MW are under test operation on-shore, however, being designed for the upcoming offshore wind farms. The growing dimensions of the rotor blades make high demands especially on the design of the material and the life-time. Generally seen, there is a common requirement for the future application of off-shore wind turbines: to lower the costs while increasing ecological and structural quality.


H620.91 DEW