Accident reconstruction : technology and animation III.

Accident reconstruction : technology and animation III. - Warrendale: Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 1993 - 305 p. - SAE SP-946 .

Reprint International Congress and Exposition. Detroit, Michigan. March 1-5, 1993

Three-Dimensional Analysis of a Vehicle in Flight 1
Post-Impact Spin, 1968-1993 7
Impact Model for Accident Reconstruction - Normal and Tangential Restitution Coefficients 23
Modeling of a Sliding Phase in Accident Reconstruction 35
Reconstruction of Accidents Involving Highway Barriers 41
An Analytical Method to Determine Vehicle Impact Speeds into Energy Absorbing Barrier End Treatments 51
Investigation and Analysis of Marine Accidents 57
The Physics of Throw Distance in Accident Reconstruction 71
Scale Model Tests of Vehicle Motions 83
Accident Information for Traffic Accident Reconstruction - The Role of the Automobile Lamp Filament 89
Accuracy of Three-Dimensional Photogrammetry as Established by Controlled Field Tests 99
Empirical and Pictorial Results of Vehicle Tip-Over Impact Tests 121
A Comparison of Devices Used to Measure Vehicle Braking Deceleration 135
Application of a Generalised Frontal Crush Model of the Car Population to Pole and Narrow Object Impacts 163
Head Impact Reconstruction - HIC Validation and Pedestrian Injury Risk 175
Reconstructing Collisions Involving Ice and Slippery Surfaces 185
Measured Vehicle Inertial Parameters - NHTSA's Data Through September 1992 195
Estimating Crush Stiffness when Reconstructing Vehicle Accidents 217
An Investigation into Vehicle Frontal Impact Stiffness,BEV and Repeated Testing for Reconstruction 227
Hands-Off Animation 257
Human Factors, Injury Causation, and Animation 267
A Computer Graphics Interface Specification for Studying Humans, Vehicles and Their Environment 273
Adapting Three-Dimensional Animation Software for Photogrammetry Calculations 293
Stereoscopic Animation for Accident Reconstruction 301



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