Accident reconstruction : technology and animation II.

Accident reconstruction : technology and animation II. - Warrendale: Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 1992 - 127 p. - SAE SP-907 .

Reprint International Congress and Exposition. Detroit, Michigan. February 24 - 28, 1992

Modelling of Pre- and Post-Impact Phases of Vehicular Collisions 1
Collision Speed Estimation Using a Single Normalised Crush Depth-Impact Speed Characteristic 13
Application of the NHTSA Crash Database to Pole Impact Predictions 29
Calculating Speed from Heavy Truck Skid Marks 35
A Method for Quantifying Vehicle Crush Stiffness Coefficients 47
Trajectory Animation on a Personal Computer 53
Improving Witness Contributions to Reconstruction and Animation 61
Low Cost PC-Based Accident Reconstruction Animation 69
The Animation Computer as a 3-D Reconstruction Tool 75
Computer Animation Techniques for Use in Collision Reconstruction 89
PC Based Accident Reconstruction Animation Using Autodesk 3D Studio 97
Automated Animation for Human Subjects in the Crash Environment 107
Application of Finite Element Computer Model Post-Processing to the Animation of Automobile Occupant Motion 113
Automobile Damage Scales and the Effect on Injury Analysis 117



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