Accident reconstruction :

Accident reconstruction : technology and animation [I]. - Warrendale: Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), 1991 - 199 p. - SAE SP-853 .

Reprint International Congress and Exposition. Detroit, Michigan. February 25 - March 1, 1991

Stiffness Parameters for Vehicle Collision Analysis 1
Rear Stiffness Coefficients Derived From Barrier Test Data 9
Missing Vehicle Algorithm (OLDMISS) Reformulation 25
Light Truck Inertial Properties 37
Linear and Rotational Momentum for Computing Impact Speeds in Two-Car Collisions (ARM) 49
A Two-Dimensional Model of a "Falling" Vehicle 69
The Calculation of Motorcycle Speeds from Sliding Distances 77
Heavy Truck Deceleration Rates as a Function of Brake Adjustment 91
Determination of Collision Configurations from Vehicle Deformation Patterns 109
Photographic Documentation and Analysis in Vehicle Accident Reconstruction 125
Computer Animation - Admissibility in the Courtroom 143
An Application of Computer Graphics for Vehicle Accident Reconstruction 153
Computer Accident Simulation - Pretty Pictures and the Real World 163
Engineering Visualization of Vehicle Accidents: Data Sources and Methods of Production 171
Computer-Aided Accident Reconstruction: Its Role in Court 179



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