Neural networks for pattern recognition /

Bishop, Christopher M.

Neural networks for pattern recognition / Christopher M. Bishop. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1995 - 482 p.

1 Statistical Pattern Recognition 1
1.1 An example - character recognition 1
1.2 Classification and regression 5
1.3 Pre-processing and feature extraction 6
1.4 The curse of dimensionality 7
1.5 Polynomial curve fitting 9
1.6 Model complexity 14
1.7 Multivariate non-linear functions 15
1.8 Bayes' theorem 17
1.9 Decision boundaries 23
1.10 Minimizing risk 27
2 Probability Density Estimation 33
2.1 Parametric methods 34
2.2 Maximum likelihood 39
2.3 Bayesian inference 42
2.4 Sequential parameter estimation 46
2.5 Non-parametric methods 49
2.6 Mixture models 59
3 Single-Layer Networks 77
3.1 Linear discriminant functions 77
3.2 Linear separability 85
3.3 Generalized linear discriminants 88
3.4 Least-squares techniques 89
3.5 The perceptron 98
3.6 Fisher's linear discriminant 105
4 The Multi-layer Perceptron? 116
4.1 Feed-forward network mappings 116
4.2 Threshold units 121
4.3 Sigmoidal units 126
4.4 Weight-space symmetries 133
4.5 Higher-order networks 133
4.6 Projection pursuit regression 135
4.7 Kolmogorov's theorem 137
4.8 Error back-propagation 140
4.9 The Jacobian matrix 148
4.10 The Hessian matrix 150
5 Radial Basis Functions 164
5.1 Exact interpolation 164
5.2 Radial basis function networks 167
5.3 Network training 170
5.4 Regularization theory 171
5.5 Noisy interpolation theory 176
5.6 Relation to kernel regression 177
5.7 Radial basis function networks for classification 179
5.8 Comparison with the multi-layer perceptron 182
5.9 Basis function optimization 183
5.10 Supervised training 190
6 Error Functions 194
6.1 Sum-of-squares error 195
6.2 Minkowski error 208
6.3 Input-dependent variance 211
6.4 Modelling conditional distributions 212
6.5 Estimating posterior probabilities 222
6.6 Sum-of-squares for classification 225
6.7 Cross-entropy for two classes 230
6.8 Multiple independent attributes 236
6.9 Cross-eutropy for multiple classes 237
6.10 Entropy 240
6.11 General conditions for outputs to be probabilities 245
7 Parameter Optimization Algorithms 253
7.1 Error surfaces 254
7.2 Local quadratic approximation 257
7.3 Linear output units 259
7.4 Optimization in practice 260
7.5 Gradient descent 263
7.6 Line search 272
7.7 Conjugate gradients 274
7.8 Scaled conjugate gradients 282
7.9 Newton's method 285
7.10 Quasi-Newton methods 287
7.11 The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm 290
8 Pre-processing and Feature Extraction 295
8.1 Pre-processing and post-processing 296
8.2 Input normalization and encoding 298
8.3 Missing data 301
8.4 Time series prediction 302
8.5 Feature selection 304
8.6 Principal component analysis 310
8.7 Invariances and prior knowledge 319
9 Learning and Generalization 332
9.1 Bias and variance 333
9.2 Regularization 338
9.3 Training with noise 346
9.4 Soft weight sharing 349
9.5 Growing and pruning algorithms 353
9.6 Committees of networks 364
9.7 Mixtures of experts 369
9.8 Model order selection 371
9.9 Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension 377
10 Bayesian Techniques 385
10.1 Bayesian learning of network weights 387
10.2 Distribution of network outputs 398
10.3 Application to classification problems 403
10.4 The evidence framework for a and /3 406
10.5 Integration over hyperparameters 415
10.6 Bayesian model comparison 418
10.7 Committees of networks 422
10.8 Practical implementation of Bayesian techniques 424
10.9 Monte Carlo methods 425
10.10 Minimum description length 429
A Symmetric Matrices 440
B Gaussian Integrals 444
C Lagrange Multipliers 448
D Calculus of Variations 451
E Principal Components 454
References 457
Index 477



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