Blaster mastery /

Wyatt, Allen L.

Blaster mastery / Allen L. Wyatt. - Carmel: Sams, 1993 - 471 p.

La biblioteca no posee el CD que acompaña al texto

1. Sound Blaster Products 1
2. Sound Blaster Software 13
3. An Introduction to Digital Audio 101
4. Working with FM Synthesis 111
5. Recording Your Own Sounds 119
6. Working with MIDI 141
7. Adding a Wave Blaster 219
8. Introducing the Video Blaster 231
9. Video Blaster Software 237
10. An Introduction to Digital Video 263
11. Putting the Video Blaster to Work 273
12. Putting Video and Sound Together 281
13. Top Ten Favorite Games and Utilities 293
Appendix A. Installing Your Sound Blaster 353
Appendix B. Installing Y our Video Blaster 363
Appendix C. The Companion Disk and CD-ROM 371
Appendix D. Programming the Sound Blaster 415
Index 451



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