Visual basic :

Visual basic : programmer's guide : version 4.0 / Microsoft Corporation. - Redmond, Washington : Microsoft, 1995 - 857 p.

Document Conventions xi
Programming Style in This Manual xii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Setting Up 2
Visual Basic Editions 4
How This Book is Organized 4
Using Online Documentation 6
New Features in Visual Basic 4.0 11
Microsoft Product Support Services 13
Chapter 2 Your First Visual Basic Application 15
Starting Visual Basic 16
Steps to Creating a Visual Basic Application 19
Working with Sample Applications 26
Distributing Your Applications 34
Chapter 3 Creating and Using Controls 35
Visual Basic Controls 36
Clicking Buttons to Perform Actions 43
Displaying and Entering Text 45
Controls That Present Choices to the User 50
Getting and Setting the Focus of an Object 73
Setting the Tab Order 74
Enabling, Disabling, and Controlling Visibility at Run Time 76
Working with Control Arrays 77
Chapter 4 Managing Projects 83
Understanding Projects 84
Creating, Opening, and Saving Projects 87
Adding, Removing, and Saving Files 88
Creating New Forms and Modules 89
Adding and Removing Custom Controls 89
Using a Resource File 94
Making and Running an Executable File 96
Setting Visual Basic Options 98
Using Conditional Compilation 102
Installing Add-Ins 105
Editing the Autoload File 106
Chapter 5 Programming Fundamentals 109
Structure of a Visual Basic Application 109
Variables 113
Modules 115
Procedures 116
Control Structures 135
Code Writing Mechanics 144
Chapter 6 Variables, Constants, and Data Types 147
Declaring Variables 148
Scope and Lifetime of Variables 150
Constants 155
Data Types 158
Arrays 172
Creating your Own Data Types 177
Chapter 7 Introduction to Objects 181
What is an Object? 181
Communicating Between Objects 184
Working with Objects 186
Using the Object Browser 191
How are Objects Related to Each Other? 195
Creating Objects 199
Chapter 8 Using the OLE Container Control 235
Creating Front-End Applications 236
Using the OLE Container Control 239
Saving and Retrieving Data 254
Chapter 9 Programming Other Applications' Objects 257
What Can You Do with Objects? 258
Using OLE Automation Objects 261
Using an Object's Methods and Properties 271
The Object Hierarchy 274
Releasing an Object 278
Objects Without Visual Interfaces 280
Handling Run-Time Errors 281
The Server Busy Dialog Box 282
Chapter 10 Menus 289
Creating Menus at Design Time 289
Controlling Menus at Run Time 301
Toolbars 309
Menu and Toolbar Negotiation 310
Chapter 11 Dialogs 315
Using Dialog Boxes 315
Modal and Modeless Dialog Boxes 316
Using Predefined Dialog Boxes 317
Using Forms as Custom Dialog Boxes 319
Using the Common Dialog Control 325
Chapter 12 Responding to Mouse Events 333
Mouse Events 333
Positioning a Control with the Mouse 334
Graphical Mouse Applications 335
The Button and Shift Arguments 339
Dragging and Dropping 344
Changing the Shape of the Mouse Pointer 350
Chapter 13 Using the Grid Control 351
The Grid Control 351
Creating and Sizing Rows and Columns 352
Using Text in the Grid Control 354
Using Graphics in the Grid Control 358
Selecting and Highlighting Cells 359
Adding and Removing Rows 362
Chapter 14 Multiple-Document Interface (MDI) Applications 365
Using MDI in Visual Basic 366
Creating an MDI Application 366
MDI Text Writer-A Document-Centered Application 368
Working with MDI Forms and Child Forms 370
Menus in MDI Applications 374
Chapter 15 Creating Graphics for Applications 385
The Fundamentals of Graphics 385
Using Graphical Controls 389
Using Graphics Methods 401
Using Graphics Properties 417
Chapter 16 Displaying and Printing Information 437
Fonts 437
Setting Font Characteristics 439
Displaying Text on Forms and Picture Boxes 442
Formatting Numbers, Dates, and Times 446
Printing 449
Trapping Printer Errors 456
Chapter 17 Interacting with the Environment 457
Working with Selected Text 458
Using the Clipboard Object 458
Using Timer Controls 463
Working With Application Settings 466
Background Processing 470
Writing Low-Level Keyboard Handlers 474
Chapter 18 Using the File-System Controls 481
Examining the File System 482
A File Seeker Application 488
Chapter 19 Processing Files 493
Overview of File Access Types 494
Sequential Access 495
Random Access 497
Binary Access 501
Chapter 20 Debugging 503
Approaches to Debugging 504
Design Time, Run Time, and Break Mode 507
Using the Debug Window 509
Using Break Mode 510
Running Selected Portions of Your Application 519
Using the Calls Dialog Box 521
Testing Data and Procedures with the Immediate Pane 523
Special Considerations in Debugging Events 530
Testing and Using Command-Line Arguments 531
Using Conditional Compilation 532
Using Compile on Demand 532
Avoiding Bugs 533
Chapter 21 Handling Run-Time Errors 535
How to Handle Errors 535
Unanticipated Errors 543
Generating Errors 547
Inline Error Handling 547
Centralized Error Handling 551
Turning Off Error Handling 555
Error Handling with OLE Automation Objects 556
Chapter 22 Accessing Databases with the Data Control 561
What's New in Visual Basic Version 4.0 562
Using the Data Control 562
Using Bound Controls 569
Manipulating Records with Code 573
Controlling Transactions, Validation, and Updates 584
Understanding Database Design and Structure 589
Chapter 23 Using the Data-Bound Controls 593
Types of Bound Controls 593
Incorporating Bound Controls in Your Application 595
Chapter 24 Using the Data-Bound Grid 605
A Quick Start 606
Design-time Operations 607
Run-time Operations 609
Working with Ranges 609
Displaying Calculated Fields 610
Chapter 25 Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) 611
What Is Dynamic Data Exchange? 612
Creating DDE Links at Design Time 615
Link Properties 617
Link Events 623
Allowing Users to Create Their Own Automatic Links 627
Using Methods to Perform DDE Operations 631
Handling Errors 635
Sending Keystrokes to Other Applications 638
Chapter 26 Calling Procedures in DLLs 641
Overview 642
Declaring a DLL Procedure 643
Passing Specific Data Types 648
Converting C Declarations to Visual Basic 657
Chapter 27 Optimizing Your Application for Size and Speed 659
Speeding Calculations and Code 660
Speeding Display 662
Speeding the Start of y our Application 664
Minimizing Total Application Size in Memory 664
Minimizing Memory Required by Graphics 667
Minimizing Stack Use 668
Chapter 28 Programming for 16-Bit Systems 671
Choosing Development and Target Platforms 672
Data and Variables 673
ANSI and Unicode Character Sets 673
Calling DLL Procedures 678
Graphics 681
Creating Common-Code Applications 681
Using Application Settings 682
Chapter 29 International Issues 685
Developing International Applications with Visual Basic 686
Writing Code for International Use 695
Issues Specific to the Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) 707
Testing Y our International Visual Basic Application 710
Chapter 30 Distributing Your Applications 713
Using Setup Wizard on 16-Bit vs. 32-Bit Platforms 715
Using the Visual Basic Setup Wizard 715
Creating a Custom Setup Program 725
Appendix A Form and Project File Formats 743
Form Structure 743
Properties 747
Basic Code 750
Sample Form 750
Printing Forms 753
Loading and Saving Forms 753
Project File (.VBP) Format 756
Appendix B Icon Library 761
Arrows and Pointers 762
Communication 763
Computers 764
Drag-and-Drop 765
Elements 766
Flags 766
Industry and Transportation 767
Mail 767
Miscellaneous 768
Office 770
Traffic Signs 771
Writing 772
Appendix C Compatibility with Other Versions 775
Visual Basic 1.0 for Windows 775
Visual Basic 2.0 for Windows 775
Visual Basic 3.0 for Windows 776
Appendix D Specifications and Limitations 783
System Requirements for Visual Basic Applications 783
Project Limitations 784
Control Limitations 785
Windows Limitations 788
Appendix E Accessibility for People with Disabilities 789
Microsoft Services for People Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing 790
Access Packs for Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Windows NT 790
Keyboard Layouts for Single-Handed Users 791
Microsoft Documentation in Alternative Formats 792
Third-Party Utilities to Enhance Accessibility 792
Customizing Windows or Windows NT 793
Getting More Information for People with Disabilities 793

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