ATM networks : concepts, protocols, applications /

Händel, Rainer

ATM networks : concepts, protocols, applications / Rainer Händel, Manfred N. Huber and Stefan Schröder. - 2nd - Workingham: Addison-Wesley, 1994 - 287 p. - Electronic Systems Engineering Series .

1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Current Situation 1
1.2 The Idea of the Integrated Services Digital Network 2
1.3 B-ISDN 3
1.3.1 What is B-ISDN? 4
2 ATM-Based Services and Applications 7
2.1. B-ISDN Services 7
2.2 Initial ATM Network Services 12
3 Principles and Building Blocks of B-ISDN 15
3.1 B-ISDN Principles 15
3.2 Asynchronous Transfer Mode 16
3.3 Optical Transmission 19
4. B-ISDN Network Concept 21
4.1 General Architecture of the B-ISDN 21
4.2 Networking Techniques 22
Network Layering 22
Switching of Virtual Channels and Virtual Paths 26
Applications of Virtual Channel/Path Connections 27
4.3 Signalling Principles 28
General Aspects 28
Capabilities Required for B-ISDN Signalling 28
Signalling Virtual Channels 29
4.4. Broadband Network Performance 31
4.5 Traffic Control 34
Overview of Functions 34
Network Resource Management 34
Connection Admission Control 35
Usage Parameter Control and Network Parameter Control 35
Priority Control 38
Traffic Shaping 38
Fast Resource Management 39
Congestion Control 39
Traffic Control Procedures and Their Impact on Resource Management 39
4.6 Operation and Maintenance Aspects 42
General Principles 42
OAM Levels in B-ISDN 43
4.7 Customer Network Aspects 43
Reference Configuration of the B-ISDN UNI 43
Customer Categories 45
General Requirements 46
Topologies 47
Interworking with Existing Networks 49
ATM Local Area Networks 51
5 B-ISDN User-Network Interfaces and Protocols 55
5.1 B-ISDN Protocol Reference Model 55
General Aspects 55
Layered Architecture 56
Relationship between the B-ISDN PRM and the OSI Reference Model 58
B-ISDN PRM Description 58
Layer Functions 59
Cell Terminology 60
Physical Layer Functions 61
ATM Layer Functions 62
ATM Adaptation Layer Functions 63
Information Flows of the Physical Layer 64
Relationship of OAM Functions with the B-ISDN PRM 65
5.2 General Aspects of the User-Network Interface 65
Transfer Mode 65
Bit Rates 65
Interface Structure 66
B-ISDN UNI Reference Configuration and Physical Realizations 68
Special Issues 73
5.3 Physical Layer of the User-Network Interface 74
Functions of the Transmission Convergence Sublayer 74
SDH-Based Interface at 155.520 Mbit/s 75
SDH-Based Interface at 622.080 Mbit/s 76
Cell-Based Interface 77
Cell Rate Decoupling 78
Header Error Control 79
Cell Delineation 81
Physical Medium Characteristics 82
Physical Medium 82
Bit Timing and Interface Code 83
Power Feeding 85
Modes of Operation 85
5.4 Additional User-Network Interfaces 86
Objectives and Overview 86
ATM Interfaces based on PDH Bit Rates 87
Private ATM Interfaces 88
ATM Layer 88
Cell Structure 88
Cell Header 89
Pre-assigned Cell Header Values 91
Generic Flow Control 92
Virtual Path Identifier 94
Virtual Channel Identifier 94
Payload Type 94
Cell Loss Priority 95
Header Error Control 95
ATM Layer Connections 96
Active Connections at the B-ISDN UNI 96
Virtual Channel Connections 96
Virtual Path Connections 97
5.6 ATM Adaptation Layer 98
AAL Type 0 98
AAL Type 1 98
Segmentation and Reassembly Sublayer 99
Convergence Sublayer 100
AAL Type 2 101
AAL Type 3/4 102
Segementation and Reassembly Sublayer 104
Convergence Sublayer 106
AAL Type 5 107
Segmentation and Reassembly Sublayer 107
Convergence Sublayer 108
5.7 Higher Layers and Interworking of the User Plane 109
General 109
Connectionless Service in B-ISDN 109
Connection-Oriented and Connectionless Communication 109
Indirect Provision of Connectionless Service 110
Direct Provision of Connectionless Service 111
CBDS and SMDS 112
Frame Relay via B-ISDN 116
What is Frame Relay good for? 116
Frame Relay and B-ISDN 120
Frame Relay Interfaces 121
TCP/IP via B-ISDN 122
5.8 Operation and Maintenance of the B-ISDN UNI 124
Network Configuration for OAM of the Customer Access 124
OAM Functions and Information Flows 125
Physical Layer 126
ATM Layer 129
Implementation Issues 133
Physical Layer 133
ATM Layer 134
Interim Local Management Interface 136
Scope and Functionality 136
ILMI Protocol 138
ILMI Services and Management Information Base 139
6 Signalling 141
6.1 Introduction Concept 141
6.2 Protocol Architecture for Release 1 143
6.3 Meta-Signalling 144
General 144
Scope and Application 145
Protocol Issues 145
Message Formatting 145
Procedures 148
6.4 ATM Adaptation Layer for Signalling 149
Common Part 150
Service-Specific Part 150
6.5 Signalling Protocols for Release 1 152
User-Network Interface Signalling 152
Network-Node Interface Signalling 154
Mandatory Modifications for B-ISDN 155
Protocol Evolution 156
6.6 Requirements for Release 2 Signalling Protocols 157
7 ATM Switching 159
7.1 Switching Elements 159
Matrix-Type Switching Elements 160
Input Buffers 161
Output Buffers 162
Crosspoint Buffers 162
Arbitration Strategies 163
Central Memory Switching Element 165
Bus-Type Switching Element 166
Ring-Type Switching Element 167
Performance Aspects 167
Technological Aspects 169
7.2 Switching Networks 170
Single-Stage Networks 171
Extended Switching Matrix 171
Funnel-Type Network 172
Shuffle Exchange Network 173
Multi-Stage Networks 174
Single-Path Networks 174
Multiple-Path Networks 175
Cell Header Processing in Switch Fabrics 180
Self-Routing Switching Elements 181
Table-Controlled Switching Elements 183
Multicast Functionality 183
7.3 Switches and Cross-Connects 184
Generic System Structure 184
System Building Blocks 184
8 ATM Transmission Network 187
8.1 Overview 187
Cell Transfer Functions 187
Generation of Cells 188
Multiplexing Concentration of Cells 189
Cross-Connecting of Cells 190
Transmission Systems 191
Network Synchronization 192
Synchronization of Terminals 192
8.2 B-ISDN Local Network Topology and Technology 194
Local Network Structure 194
Transmission Characteristics and Technology 196
Maintenance Aspects of Optical Transmission 197
8.3 Trunk Network Structure 197
8.4 ATM Network Implementation Issues 199
8.5 ATM Transmission Network Equipment 200
9 Evolutionary Scenarios for B-ISDN 203
9.1 Fibre to the Customer 204
Passive Optical Network 204
ATM on a Passive Optical Network 206
9.2 Introduction of B-ISDN Services 208
9.3 Integration of TV Distribution 211
9.4 Integration of LANs/MANs into B-ISDN 213
Metropolitan Area Networks 213
Fibre-Distributed Data Interface II 213
Distributed Queue Dual Bus 214
Interworking Units 215
Integration Scenarios 216
Interconnection of ATM-based LANs 216
Interconnection of LANs via MANs 217
Interconnection of MANs via ATM-WANs 218
Coexistence of MANs and B-ISDN 219
9.5 ATM Trials and First Commercial Use 220
General Background 220
The BERKOM Trial 220
ATM Projects of Public Network Providers 221
10 Miscellaneous 225
10.1 Voice Delay and Echo Problems 225
10.2 Tariffing in B-ISDN 227
Tariffing in Existing Networks 228
Tariffing in ATM Networks 228
11 Outlook 231
11.1 Universal ATM Network: Realistic Target? 231
11.2 Telecommunications Management Network 234
11.3 Intelligent Network Aspects of B-ISDN 236
Architectural Model 236
Overview of IN Services 239
11.4 Gbit/s Local Area Tetworks 240
11.5 Optical Switching 241
General Aspects 241
Optical Networks 242
A B-ISDN / ATM Standardization 249
A.1 Overview of ITU-T Recommendations 249
A.2 Ongoing ITU-T Activities 249
A.3 Other Standards Bodies 254
A.3.1 ANSI and ETSI 254
A.3.2 ATM Forum 255
A.3.3 Bellcore 256
B Abbreviations 257
References 263
Index 277



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